How Can Dna Testing Help You Take Care Of Your Genetic Health Risk?

DNA testing helps you to unlock the power of your DNA, the building blocks of your life. Your genetic information that you inherit from your parents is decoded through an advanced technology in a laboratory. A DNA/genetic test helps you understand your risks of many health conditions, nutrition requirements and the exercises that you should do. 

What can you learn from your DNA test?

Your DNA test report can be your handy guide all through your life; it helps you to:

  • Understand more about yourself and know things that are unique to you

  • Know your risk score for 30+ chronic health issues

  • Take timely preventive and treatment actions

  • Know how your body metabolizes nutrients and foods

  • Manage your health and body functions by following the recommendations

  • Customize your health checkups

  • Personalize your diet and workouts

Prevent or lower your risks by making informed decisions based on your DNA test report

Your DNA test reports your genetic risk levels for health conditions, along with actionable insights. This information is crucial for making knowledgeable decisions about the betterment of your health care. Your health is a product of the interaction between your lifestyle and genes. Your lifestyle is the only modifiable factor in this equation, and your DNA test report provides a lot of recommendations about that. Changing your lifestyle according to your genetic build can help you move beyond all the guesswork, and truly personalize your food, exercise, and sleep habits. Apart from this, you also get important insights about the diagnostic tests and proactive measures that you should take for managing your health needs like early detection and treatment.

Take control of your health and wellness needs by uncoding your genetic test profile that makes you unique.

Is Personalized Nutrition Through a DNA Test Useful?


Same diet plan does not work for everyone; that is where personalized nutrition comes in.

Everyone’s body doesn’t respond the same way to the same diets, that is why if a high fat diet works for your brother, it might not work for you. In case a high fat diet doesn’t suit you, it can put you at risk for high triglycerides or cholesterol. Some people lose more weight with a low carb diet whereas some lose weight with a high carb diet.  

Personalized nutrition through Nutrigenomics 

Nutrigenomics is a part of genetic testing where it is studied how food affects your genes and how your genes affect the way your body responds to that food. It is helpful for learning more about how your genes and diet together affect your health and risk of diseases.


No more trial and errors

Personalized nutrition helps you move beyond the trial and errors of your diet plans as it is based on your unique DNA. Even identical twins don’t respond in the same way to the same foods. Your sleep pattern, response to exercise, stress levels, and metabolism play a big role in your body’s response to your diet. All these factors make up your lifestyle. Your lifestyle and DNA interact with each other to create your health and the way your organs function. Therefore, the good news is you can modify your lifestyle to be healthy and fit. A personalized nutrition plan can help you achieve that.

Tailor your diet with DNA/genetic test

Tailoring your food habits to fit your body’s needs, and modifying other aspects of your lifestyle according to your genetic test can give you better, quicker, and sustainable results. DNA testing is the most useful way to meet your nutrition goals. 

Find your ideal nutrition and guidance based on your genetic information to make informed decisions about your healthcare.

The Benefits of Genetic Dieting for Obesity


One question that bothers everyone is - some people can eat anything but never gain weight but others put on weight too quickly - why is that?

The answer lies in your genetics.

How your genes impact your ability to lose weight

Obesity is when the body accumulates excess body fat. Sedentary lifestyle, improper dietary habits and environment play a big role in increasing the risk of obesity. Having a high genetic risk for obesity can increase your risk of excess weight gain. Genetics contribute to more than 40% causes of obesity. 


Obese people have obesity have multiple gene mutations that increase their likelihood to gain excessive weight. Genes associated with fat mass and obesity can make limiting caloric intake difficult. The presence of these genes can also:

  • Reduce satiety 

  • Increase hunger 

  • Increase intake of calories

  • Reduce control over food consumption

  • Tendency to be sedentary

  • Tendency to store fat in body

What is a genetic diet and how does it help in losing weight

If you have the genes that predispose you to gaining weight, you can manage your weight issues with a personalized diet. This personalized diet is derived from your own genetics that is why it is also referred to as a genetic diet. A genetic test can report everything about you and the nutrition you need. Your genetics influence how your body responds to the macro and micronutrients. Their absorption, metabolism and distribution depends on your genetic build. These are reported in your test and tell you how you can enhance your metabolism by following a consistent diet plan that includes effective foods, exercise, and other behavioral approaches that can help you prevent or manage obesity.


Know the optimal genetic diet plan for you.

How Do You Define And Measure Physical Fitness?


Your physical fitness is your body’s ability to function efficiently. Let’s read the metrics on which your physical fitness is measured.

Measurement of physical fitness


  1. Your body composition

The ratio of fat, bones, tissues, muscles and other parts of the body makes up your body composition. 

  1. Body flexibility

Flexibility is the range of motion in your joints. Stretching exercises and yoga can enhance your flexibility.

  1. Aerobic fitness

Your aerobic fitness is described as your heart and lungs' ability to supply oxygen to the muscles during exercise. You can test your aerobic capacity by running upside or climbing stairs.

  1. Muscle strength and endurance

Muscle strength is defined as the force your muscles can exert against a resistance. Muscular endurance is defined as exerting that force repeatedly without encountering fatigue.


  1. Cardiovascular fitness

The ability of your circulatory and respiratory processes to supply oxygen during a sustained physical activity defines your cardiovascular fitness. It is also essential for your heart and prevention of lifestyle health conditions.


Why is physical fitness important

Physical fitness is important for everyone - for people of all ages. The main factor affecting your physical fitness is exercise. Being fit can help you prevent many lifestyle health conditions. Exercising not only improves the physical health of your body but also enhances your mental health. Working out can uplift your mood, reduce stress, and help you sleep better.

What can you do to stay healthy and fit

  • Quit smoking and also the consumption of tobacco in any form

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Consume meals that provide optimal nutrition to your body

  • Exercise at least for 30 minutes every day

  • Know your family medical history

  • Get your full body screened to check for chronic health conditions

What should your fitness health checkup package include

You can check your body’s current fitness levels and identify existing health conditions with regular fitness checkups. Make sure these tests are included in your package:

  • Diabetes markers

  • Abdominal check

  • Lipid profile

  • Liver and kidney function

  • Heart screening

  • Physician’s consultation before and after checkup


Learn how you can book your fitness health checkup package.

How Much Exercise Should You Do If You Have Type 2 Diabetes?

It is important to be physically active if you have an existing lifestyle health condition like type 2 diabetes. At least 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week is recommended to keep your body functions healthy and maintain an ideal weight. Exercising is an important part of managing your blood sugar and keeping diabetes in control.


Why is diabetes management important for your health?

Diabetes, if not controlled, can affect the other functions of your body, hence managing your blood glucose levels is very important. You need to maintain your blood sugar level along with your blood pressure and cholesterol levels to prevent other chronic health conditions that can develop when you have diabetes.


Ideal workouts for diabetes management

Your workout routine should be tailored to meet the specific needs of your body, age and existing health conditions. 

  • Aerobic exercises - they require repeated movements of your large muscle groups. Walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming are some aerobic exercises. 

  • Resistance training - these are strength training exercises that include using weights, like weight machines or resistance bands. 

  • Flexibility exercises - they help in improving your range of motion around the joints of your bones. They also give your body the perfect balance and prevent falls.


If you were recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetics, it is quite possible you have been living a sedentary lifestyle. You need to start exercising - start slow and increase gradually.


Recommended lifestyle actions to prevent or manage type 2 diabetes

  • Maintain a healthy body weight

  • Be physically active - exercise daily

  • Consume a nutritious diet

  • Cut out junk foods and sugar

  • Stop smoking

  • Get yourself screened every 6 months


Regular full body health checkups are essential for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. In case you already have diabetes, you should plan the frequency of your health screenings with your doctor to prevent other chronic lifestyle diseases. Book your health checkup now.

What Is The Relationship Between DNA And Diabetes?

What causes diabetes? Why do some people in the same family develop diabetes even though they all follow the same lifestyle? The answer to this is - DNA.

 Your DNA can increase your risk of diabetes.


Genetics and type 2 diabetes

People who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there’s always someone in their family who has diabetes, especially one of their parents or siblings. The gene mutations linked to diabetes can interact with your environment and lifestyle to further raise your risk.


However, not everyone who has a mutation will develop diabetes. 


Genes behind type 2 diabetes

Mutations in any of the genes that are involved in controlling the glucose and insulin levels can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes. Some of them are listed below:

  • Gene that affects glucose production, and insulin secretion and regulation

  • Gene that helps the movement of glucose into the pancreas

  • Gene hormone that is involved in glucose regulation


Know your risk for developing type 2 diabetes

These factors can increase your risk for diabetes:

  • Having more than one gene mutations related to type 2 diabetes

  • Being prediabetic

  • Family history of diabetes

  • Existing high blood pressure

  • Obesity or being overweight

  • Ageing 

  • Sedentary lifestyle

  • Gestational diabetes 

  • Having high levels of triglycerides

  • Personal history of heart disease or stroke

  • Existing polycystic ovary syndrome 


Know your risk for type 2 diabetes with genetic testing 

Your genetic test can provide important insights about how your DNA influences your likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes and report your risk score and recommendations for it.

Your report lists your genetic risk for 30+ chronic health conditions along with more knowledge about signs and symptoms, associated diseases, and risk factors associated with that condition. The report also has recommendations for diagnostic screenings and lifestyle actions that help you be proactive about managing your health. Genetic testing is an important tool for early detection, prevention, and treatment. 


Know your genetic risk score for diabetes now.

Which is More Dangerous or Heart Health, High Triglyceride or High Total Cholesterol ?


The difference between triglycerides and cholesterol

Triglycerides are defined as the type of blood fat that is used for energy. On the other hand, cholesterol is a fatty, wax kind of matter produced by your liver. Cholesterol is used by the body to build cells, vitamins and hormones. The levels of triglyceride and cholesterol are important health markers. Monitoring their levels can help you keep them in a healthy range and prevent many diseases.

Triglycerides ranges

  • Normal: less than 150 mg/dL

  • Borderline: between 151–199 mg/dL

  • High: more than 200 mg/dL

  • Very high: more than 500 mg/dL

High levels of triglyceride can be a sign of other health conditions and as well as increase the risk of some diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and inflammation of pancreas.

Cholesterol ranges

  • Normal: 199 mg/dL or less

  • Borderline: between 200–239 mg/dL

  • High: more than 240 mg/dL

High cholesterol in the blood can put you at risk of a heart attack and other heart diseases. Cholesterol build up in the arteries can cause atherosclerosis - the formation of plaques which can restrict the flow of blood.

Effect of combined levels of triglyceride and cholesterol 

The combination of high or low cholesterol with high triglycerides levels is a cause for concern. It can result in fatty build up in your arteries that can in turn increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.

How to prevent diseases due to irregular triglyceride and cholesterol levels

Your food, exercise and complete lifestyle habits play a significant role in maintaining your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. High or low levels of cholesterol or triglycerides, or a combination of both indicate health disorders. It can put you at risk of cardiovascular disease and other health conditions. 

Regular full body health checkups are important for analyzing, assessing and identifying the changes in your triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Health screenings also identify other underlying health conditions that may have arisen due to the improper levels of triglyceride and cholesterol. 

Get your full body health checkup done now and modify your lifestyle to prevent the health conditions you are at high risk.

What are Some Signs To Tell When The Aortic Valve of The Heart is Not Functioning Well?


Heart valve issues are related to many different conditions that obstruct the functioning of one or more of the valves in the heart and hinders proper circulation. If not treated in time, heart valve dysfunction can impact the quality of life and be fatal. Identifying a malfunctioning heart valve can help in treatment and restoration of their normal function and healthy life.

The function of heart valves

There are four valves in the heart - mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonic. They ensure the blood flow in only one direction uniformly through your heart. The valves are made of flaps of tissue that open so that the blood can move forward through the heart during the first half of the heartbeat. During the other half of the heartbeat, they close to prevent blood from flowing back. These tissue flaps are called leaflets. In the mitral and tricuspid valves, there are fibrous strands of tissue that connect them to the papillary muscles inside the walls of the ventricles. They keep the leaflets sturdy against any wrong flow of blood.


Heart valve disease

Heart valve disease happens when the valves of your heart do not function correctly. Some birth defects, Rheumatic fever, over time degeneration, and infections can cause heart valve disease. 


Symptoms of heart valve disease

When the heart valves begin to function improperly, the heart needs to work harder to compensate for the decreased blood flow. With passing time, the valves malfunctioning progress and symptoms begin to show. Some of the signs are mentioned below:

  • Discomfort in the chest

  • Palpitations 

  • Shortness of breath

  • Swelling of the ankles, feet or abdomen (Edema)

  • Dizziness

  • Weakness 

  • Unexplained weight gain


How is valve disease diagnosed?

Regular physical examinations are essential to find out about fluid in the lungs, enlargement of the heart, and heart murmur. Heart valve issues can be diagnosed by several medical tests that are included in the full body health checkups:

  • Echocardiogram: it is the ultrasound of the heart where a moving image of the valves and chambers are displayed using sound waves 

  • Angiogram: it is the x-ray of the coronary arteries, heart’s chambers and valves done by dye injected into a catheter in your limbs

  • Electrocardiogram: the electrical activity of the heart is recorded in graphs using small electrode patches 

Depending on your current health and any existing health conditions, your physician might suggest some more tests like stress echocardiogram, MRI. Your doctor can monitor the progress of your valve issues and help you in making decisions about prevention or treatment plans. Check your heart valves now with a heart health checkup.

5 Ways To Prevent Kidney Stones Naturally

Following a healthy lifestyle is the key to preventing kidney stones naturally. Make these easy changes in your diet and nutrition plan and help your kidneys function healthily.

  1. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones. Drinking less water lowers your urine output - your urine becomes more concentrated and is unable to dissolve the salts in your urine that cause stones. If your urine is not clear or pale yellow, you need to drink more water.

  1. Reduce your sodium intake: A diet with a high amount of salt increases your risk of developing calcium stones in the kidney. Consuming less salt keeps urine’s calcium levels low. Read processed and packed food labels carefully before eating.

  1. Consume foods that are rich in calcium: Low calcium diets can increase your risk for kidney stone as well as osteoporosis. Have low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt for your calcium intake.

  1. Reduce foods that have too much oxalate: Oxalate is a natural food compound that binds with calcium in the urine to form oxalate kidney stones. Limiting your intake of oxalate rich foods to prevent these kidney stones from forming.

  1. Get your health status checked on a regular basis: Having one kidney stone can increase your risk of developing another. It can also increase your risk of chronic kidney diseases, like kidney failure. That is why you should get your body’s functioning checked twice a year. A full body health checkup reports your current health status and helps you plan your lifestyle and medical actions for prevention.

The best way to prevent kidney stones and keep your kidneys in good health is to do all that you can to prevent them from developing in the first place. Want to know more about preventing chronic kidney ailments? Read here.

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