Know The Correlation Between Your Diet, Exercise, Wellness And Genes




Have you ever wondered why the same kind of lifestyle causes different effects on the health of 2 different individuals, even in the case of identical twins?

DNA is the answer to this difference.


You’re as unique as your DNA profile

Every information that makes you, you is encrypted in your DNA. Your DNA profile can give your insights about the various tendencies of your body and guide you towards a lifestyle that’s unique to you, and can be your secret to a happy and healthy life. 


Your health is the product of your genetics and your lifestyle

You can easily steer your body towards good health by altering your lifestyle (including food and exercise) by understanding your genetics/DNA profile.


Understand the correlation and personalize your lifestyle according to what’s best for your body

  • Know your health risks early to make informed decisions about your preventive action - Understanding your genetic risks for various health conditions and their effect on your organ systems can empower you in taking timely preventive and curative actions in consultation with your doctor. 


  • Learn about the best diet plan for you - Stop following the internet dieting fads and follow a personalized diet plan that actually works for your body.


  • Make your exercises more fitter for you - Your DNA affects how your body responds to different exercise types. Know which activities help you train better - endurance or power exercises, your recovery time, and also if you are prone to injury. 


  • Get a check on addictive habits - Your DNA affects how your body metabolizes various addictive substances like caffeine and tobacco. It can also tell how it affects your tendency for addiction to these substances. 

Your genetic test report can help you achieve your health and fitness goals more effectively 

Genetic tests are non-invasive and can be easily done from the comfort of your home. All you need to do is book your test kit online. Once you receive your kit, just provide your saliva sample and send it back. DNA is extracted from your saliva is analyzed via modern technology. A detailed report is emailed to you with recommendations on how and what to change in your lifestyle to prevent or manage your high-risk tendencies.

Your report is followed up by counselling with a genetic expert who helps you clarify your doubts. Your genetic test report can be your lifetime guide for a healthy and happy life. Get your genetic test kit now.

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