Why You Should Never Place Your Laptop on Your Lap ?

 Laptops bring convenience to us and make our work quicker. However, it exposes you to some harmful electromagnetic radiation that can be detrimental to your health. With work from home becoming the new normal in the post Covid world, many people have taken to sitting on bed and using their laptops on their laps. Let’s look at these 4 reasons why you should not be doing that.

 It can cause cancer: The heat from the laptop for a long period of time can lead to skin damage of your lap, and might develop into skin cancer. It can also cause testicular and ovarian cancers.


It can damage your reproductive organs and cause pregnancy problems: The nearness of the laptop, when placed on your lap, to your reproductive system can impact the sperm count and egg release, thereby affecting fertility, and ability to conceive.

It can result in pain in the back and neck: Bending over while using a laptop on your lap results in pain in your back and neck. Maintain posture while working on your laptop - using a table and chair while working is suggested.


It can cause laptop thigh: Prolonged use of laptop on your lap can result in mottled patches that feel like burn.


‘Health is wealth’ - that is why you should take out time to set up a workplace that helps you keep your posture straight, and keep away devices that emit radiation away from your body. Along with that follow a lifestyle that includes a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet, regular exercise, and yearly full body preventive health checkup or screening. Health screening is an important part of your lifestyle because it helps you access your body’s health and functioning of the organs. Early detection of any developing health condition can aid in planning a treatment and cure for it. Find out the best complete body checkup near you.

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