Understand Your Predisposition To Lung Cancer & 70+ Other Health Parameters With Dnawise.

Your health is a product of a complex interaction between your DNA and your lifestyle. That means your daily food intake, habits, exercise routine, stress, and exposure to surroundings affect your health. Guess what? You cannot change your genes but you can change your lifestyle to lead a healthier life. DNAwise genetic test can enable you to modify your lifestyle to live a healthy and happy life.

What is DNAwise genetic test?

DNAwise is an user-friendly test that informs you about the genetic tendencies of your body. Such information helps you in making the right choices about your health and wellness. Your DNAwise report lists your genetic risks for various health conditions, response to fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, metabolism of nutrients, and the exercise that is best for your body.

How does DNAwise decode your genetic information to inform your genetic risks for lung cancer?

DNAwise identifies the genetic variants (risk variants and protective variants) that are associated with lung cancer. Your DNA that is extracted from your saliva sample is genotyped to see the alleles that your genes carry. Your genetic risk score for lung cancer is derived through a statistical method, and is mentioned in your report. The presence of lung cancer risk variants in your DNA can increase your likelihood of developing it, and the presence of protective variants lowers your chances of developing lung cancer. In case you have a high risk of developing lung cancer, there will be recommendations in your report that will help you prevent lung cancer, and live healthy.

DNAwise reports 80 parameters related to your health, nutrition, fitness and habit 

Your report can be your coach for a lifetime and help you to:

  • Understand your health risks and help in early detection: Knowing your risks for various chronic health conditions helps you in taking timely preventive actions that ultimately save lives. 

  • Discover the best nutrition plan for your body: Move beyond the trial and error of fad diets. DNAwise empowers you with the best food plan for yourself. This includes information about the response of your body to various nutrients, and their influence on your metabolism, and body weight.

  • Achieve your optimal fitness performance: Your genes influence how your body responds to various exercises. Knowing your DNA information helps you in training better by understanding if endurance based workouts are better for you than power exercises, if you need more recovery time than others, or if you are likely to get injured during exercise. 

  • Find the possible addictions: Your genes affect your metabolism of addictive substances, and your tendency for addiction to these. DNAwise helps you in knowing your genetic tendency for the habit of three common addictions - coffee, alcohol, and nicotine.

Want to personalize your lifestyle to live a healthier and longer life? Order your DNAwise genetic test kit, and get the recommendations based on your genetics.

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