The Genetics Of Your Height

Have you noticed that not everyone in the family has the same height?

What can be the reason behind it? Read ahead to know.

A person's height is not totally dependent on their genetics - that is why not everyone is as tall (or short) as their parents. There are many factors that influence the height of a person, such as:

Apart from these determinants, a person’s height is also controlled by environmental influences. Mother’s nutrition during pregnancy, her smoking habits, and exposure to unsafe substances have adverse effects on the child’s height.

Increase in height during the growing age

A child who is adequately nourished with a balanced and nutritious diet is healthy and active. Chances of growing taller for such a child is likely. On the other hand, a substandard diet, and diseases can inhibit the growth of a child.

Can height be increased after growing age?

The answer is no - there is no way to increase the height of a person after the growth age passes. Although one's genetics dictates the height of a person, factors like nutrition, hormones and medical conditions determine how tall they will become. A lack of thyroid hormones during childhood has effects on height. 

Healthy and balanced nutrition during childhood, and caring for overall health while stepping into adulthood and after is important. You can improve your height by paying attention to your posture - poor posture and a sedentary life makes your height seem less - correcting these can help in increasing the appearance of your height.

While you can not do anything to increase your height, you can always have ways to keep your body healthy. Understanding your DNA can help you discover a lot of new information about yourself. This information can empower you to live a healthy, and better quality of life. Know your genetic tendencies with a genetic test now.

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