5 Major Benefits Of Predictive Genetic Testing For Your Health

The biggest advantage of predictive genetic testing is that
you get full control of your body and its health. Let’s see how that happens:

  1. Genetic testing introduces you to yourself

It unravels information that makes you what you are - all your physical, physiological traits. This is because your DNA contains the codes that determine the features and characteristics that are passed on to you by your mother and father. Hence, if you understand your genetic information, you are able to understand yourself much better. 

  1. Genetic testing helps you in personalizing your food and exercise

Your genes together become the instruction manual for how you and your body function. A genetic test decodes information like the effects of various foods on your metabolism, your needs for antioxidants, or vitamins. If avoiding consuming fats really helps you in losing weight. If you are better suited to do endurance workouts or cardio, and much more.

  1. Genetic testing explains you how you are different from your siblings even if you share the same DNA

Yes, even when you share your DNA with your siblings, you all are not identical. And that is the reason why what works for your sibling might not work for you! You are genetically unique!

  1. Genetic testing can tell you about the diseases you have the likelihood to develop

Sometimes, one or more of the building proteins of the DNA changes, it is called a gene mutation, and this kind of gene becomes a variant. Such a gene carries a different set of instructions than the typical version. Occasionally, this develops into a code for specific illnesses. Some gene variants affect the protein blocks and do things differently in your body, and that results in a disease like diabetes, and cancer.

  1. Genetic testing empowers you to prevent diseases and live healthy

When you become aware of the health conditions that you are susceptible for, you are empowered to take control of your nutrition, and fitness - you can take actions to prevent them by choosing a lifestyle conducive to your body. Moreover, you can keep a check on the signs and symptoms of these health conditions, and plan appropriate health screenings for their early detection. Remember, early detection goes a long way in successful treatment and cure. 

In short, genetic testing can help you improve your overall life. Knowledge is power, you can wield the power of your genetic information to build a healthier life for yourself. Book your genetic test kit now.

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